On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote:
Hello list,
Can someone on OSX 10.8 please run the following command: defaults export /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences -
Trying this on OSX 10.8.5. Command 'defaults' needs an argument;
'read', 'write', 'rename', 'domains' are among the options, but not 'export'. For example:
$ defaults read org.puredata.pd
gives the preferences for pd as a list between curly braces. I don't
see how to get the /Library/Preferences... etc. into the command?
If I type defaults export /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences -
in OSX 10.11 I get the plist output to the console.