Hallo, James Tittle II hat gesagt: // James Tittle II wrote:
...I'm needing an object that acts kind of like a delay for a list (a 3 element vector, really)...I found [listfifo] in maxlib, but it doesn't exactly do what I'm wanting...which is that it should accept a number for how many lists to accumulate (say "hold 3")...then it "soaks up" three lists with no output, but on the fourth input it outputs the first, fifth input outputs the second, etc. One important thing here is that it accepts a list message (ie. [1 2 3< ) and doesn't require a "bang" to output or accumulate...
I made one, but I needed the msgfile external from zexy and used prepend, which can be replaced if the list length is known.
With a bit more work, probably msgfile could also be replace by a [textfile] construction. Nevertheless the approach in my patch could be used with [listfifo] as well, I think, if it would allow a "set"ting of the fifo size. I think, this would be a nice addition to [listfifo]
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__