Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On May 25, 2006, at 2:59 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I should mention then that these objects are written in Pd, and only rely on some purepd objects, which are also written in Pd.
Ah yes, [pwm~] is using zexy's [>~]. I was looking at [pwm]. That example (I am looking at K01.pulse.width.mod.pd from 0.38.4) is very
I am open to suggestions for a different algorithm. Or perhaps someone should write [>~] in Pd.
excuse my ignorance, but i thought that with the current zexy [>~] is available both as C-external and as pd-patch (i admit it is using another externals (expr~) but i guess we can live with that)
fmga.sdr IOhannes