so, I'm back to trying to get the hid object work on my machine. the "hid" object will recognize my device which is enumerated as a joystick and mapped to /dev/input/event2
I can open the device fine with "hid". It prints out
[hid] opened device 2 (/dev/input/event2): Microchip Technology Inc.
I then start the "hid" object with a "start" message and it prints out the following and then segfaults:
[hid] polling started
I've narrowed it down with gdb to be crashing due to a call to strcpy in the function hid_get_events(t_hid *x) in hid_linux.c
strcpy(hid_code, event_names[hid_input_event.type][hid_input_event.code]);
any ideas how to fix this?