Hi there:
Thanks for the reply!
Following my previous post of my drum sound abstractions, I have put up a update version, which is RRADicaled with OSC implementation. The aim is to make some intermediate and reusable building blocks in Pd. Any feedback will be great:)
Cool. Perfect. Great. Exactly the thing I tried to design RRADical for. Thank you a LOT.
If its ok with you, I can put them up in the CVS so there will be more testing on them and hopefully more modifications.
Uh, and regarding the non-updateing-radio-button-in-parent-problem: Yesterday an elegant solution for this occured to me but today I forgot it again :(
Ya, I thought about solving it and then I realized that I had to go into the originator patch to do it and then I will have to distribute a different originator along with my abstractions which might cause confusion/conflict with the original originator. So, I did not do it at the end.
Anyway, hope the elegant solution has came back to you and let me know when its updated.
Thanks again