very interesting project! your solution should definitely work! if your audio is not too time-critical also movements between speakers should be possible with a good osc-schedule. avoid osx as master for osc-sends as netsend tends to crash pd if one of the r(aspberry)pi-clients is not available. i use a similar approach to control serveral (mobile) projectors and speakers and it works. but you never know when your osc messagge really arrives especially with rpi-wlan (deactivate energy-safe-mode!). another solution could be to use the rtc which is present on some rpi audiocards to run through the schedule on the several pis.
liebe grüße marco
Am 12.04.19 um 11:15 schrieb Kerry Hagan:
Hello all,
It has been a few months, but the project is now underway, and I thought I might let you know what I sorted:
The project does not require high fidelity or precise panning. And it is under a limited budget (for a computer science department in a university) but much higher than I was initially anticipating.
So, I have ordered 25 Raspberry Pis with 25 pairs of RPi compatible speakers and 25 10000mA-h battery packs. Each little fella will be hidden discreetly in a dinner-table centrepiece at a big university fund-raising event.
The RPis will have slave Pd patches and sound files on them, and my laptop will be directing each Pi to play sound files/processes via pd-send and OSC in a master patch. So though I’m not technically sending audio through wireless, it will sound like the files are moving through the ballroom from dinner table to dinner table.
Initial tests are promising, but it will be a couple of weeks (university purchase ordering bureaucracy) before I get my grubby little hands on the whole 25 of them to test.
I won’t bother the list with any more updates, but if you’re curious to see how it turns out, drop me a line off-list and I’ll send a link to pictures/sounds when it all is over.
On 18 Feb 2019, at 18:52, Peter P. peterparker@fastmail.com wrote:
- Maximiliano Estudies maxiestudies@gmail.com [2019-02-18 19:31]:
the radio idea sounds like a lot of fun.
I guess Max Neuhaus has done such things.
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