Hi all, a short followup on this issue... i went into Georg Holzmanns computer to update the sources, compile ind try out pool and everything worked as expected. So for everyone who has problems with disappearing flext-based objects, check the following:
points to the pd version actually used (although this should be of no major imporance anymore)
best greetings, Thomas
Gerda Strobl schrieb:
Dear list, hallo Thomas
just installed new version of pool-(using pd-0.39-1test1)
my pd is telling me: pool 0.2.2pre - hierarchical storage object, (C)2002-2005 Thomas Grill
When i open new file -new object-I write in "pool"-as soon as I click next to the object -the whole object is disappearing. but saving the patch shows me in the text file that the object is there. But on the other side I can open pool-help.pd--and pool is visible--but copying from there to the empty patch doesnt work.
This doesn't happen with pd 0.38-4-(there it works perfect)--is this magic disapperance because of pd-0.39?
thx Gerda
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