Hi All,
I've updated PdLANParty to make it easier to write your own servers:
Example code from the README file:
Set up a new PdLANServer object:
p = PdLANParty() # create the server
p.Launch() # launch the server off in a separate thread
Use the PdLANServer object to communicate with all patches. Something like this should go in your main-loop:
p.PostMessage(['drum', '5', 'bang']) # send a message to all connected patches
p.GetMesssages() # get an array of arrays containing messages from clients
Here is an example of what kind of data will be sent and received:
Pd Client connects
Server receives: ['connected', '1']
Pd Client receives: server ip;
Pd Client receives: server id 1;
Server sends: ['drum', '5', 'bang']
Pd Client receives: drum 5 bang;
Pd Client sends: this is my test;
Server receives: ['this', 'is', 'my', 'test']
Hope this is useful to someone.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:32:05AM +0000, Chris McCormick wrote:
This is a client-server system for associating Pd patches (Or RjDj scenes) with eachother on the local area network, or wifi network automatically. Start the server lanparty.py and then put the object [lanparty] into your patch. Any message into the [lanparty] object will be replicated to all other connected patches on the network, at the outlet of their [lanparty] object.
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