"Could you please describe what you understand by this leap?"
Still 1st impression - not read the article properly yet.
It seems to be proposing a complete reversal of most things I've been taught in the study of electronic music. That as far as the computers concerned data is data - all noise. It seems to propose a quantum level of electronic composition beginning to bypass the top/down element of composing that is supposedly somewhat unavoidable. Less a sculptural process and more, well, like code. Heady stuff (and I could be copmletely wrong after a proper read through).
Going to the park with my 1yr old son
On 18 June 2015 at 21:38, Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri@gmail.com wrote:
2015-06-18 11:24 GMT-03:00 Julian Brooks jbeezez@gmail.com:
A curious conceptual leap.
Could you please describe what you understand by this leap? I got into a somewhat "serious" coding for music believing that it was already a legacy of the music community. Not finding it in almost 10 years, I wrote it. So I am still trying to grasp if this leap is shared and how.
Pretty sure no one as made a Pd lib out of this yet (seems to be in Python?).
Perhaps someone like Alexandre could translate some of the equations into the [exp~] family. I'd be very curious to hear/compare the results. not Will read the paper more thoroughly later (just had a quick skim).
Thanks Renato for bringing it up. How do your versions sound?
Something like this: https://soundcloud.com/le-poste-tche (only the three trios for oboe are output of other approaches). More contex here: https://github.com/ttm/dissertacao/raw/master/dissertacaoCorrigida.pdf
Thanks Julian for the valuable feedback.
PS. should I post this on music-dsp or any other channel?
Best regards, Renato
On 18 June 2015 at 06:43, Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri@gmail.com wrote:
i've been looking for something like this modeling: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6853
so maybe diy, i tried, am trying and reaching something maybe.
but anyway, has anybody seen something like this for pd or any other language/platform?
cheers and peace ) ( _o_o_ oOo _o_o_ ) (
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