To explain myself, i have to describe a practical example (http://reso-nance.org/public/pd-malinette/test-paths.png) :
load soundfiles
project directory
connected to the abstraction
Result : the context of the abstraction is in "abs" directory, so it can't find "data/snare.wav" (there is no "abs/data/snare.wav" file), instead we have to write "../data/snare.wav" relative to the abstraction and not the parent patch.
A common solution to deal with that is to add [ggee/getdir 1] inside the abstraction, to get the absolute path of the file starting from the upper level (parent patch). But if the abstraction is inside another abstraction, it has to be [ggee/getdir 2] and so on ... But how find the right depths of the abstraction ? The abstraction doesn't know his context of use.
I think I will put a [ggee/getdir 10] or greater to be sure to get the parent patch level, but maybe someone has another solution, a vanilla solution ?
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