nico wrote:
what does mean link against tcl-librairies. my staring point was you "howto write an external", and you don't write anything about that ((((
well, the document is about "how to write an external" and not "how to write C-programs" (there are better books out there that cover this)
in the first line i've put: #include <tcl.h> #include "m_pd.h" but it doesn't seem to be enough
no it is not.
the header-files just tell the computer that there are other functions in the world out there which the compiler didn't knew before. they keep it from thinking that you are just inventing names. however, when you use these functions, the unit that executes your code (when running the external) needs to know what they actually do. thus you have to tell the computer, where it should look for a function like Tcl_LinkVar() (if it would go and search your entire harddisk for a function like Tcl_LinkVar() this would take ages): you normally do this in the link-process, where you tell the linker that it should consider certain files ("libraries") to look for functions it does not know.
therefore you have to link your external to the tcl-library. how you tell your linker to do this, depends on your linker, so you should read the documentation for your linker. wth gcc, you add libraries with the "-l" flag, so "ld -ltcl8.4 tclexternal.o tclexternal.pd_darwin" will link your "tclexternal.o" with "" (or the like) to produce "tclexternal.pd_darwin"
mfg.a.sdr IOhannes