Your memory is correct. Quick fix: use CTL/Apple + D for duplicate instead of CTL/Apple + C for Copy and CTL/Apple + V for Paste. This pastes objects offset from the original, plus it uses less key commands. I can't verify the buggy Paste behavior you report right now, although I did have a workshop full of n00bs over the weekend and no one using 0.40 mentioned this problem to me...
best! d.
Andrew Turley wrote:
I'm running Pd-extended 0.40.3 on an iBook G4 in OS X 10.4.11, and I've noticed that if I copy an object and then paste it to the same place, the newly pasted object ends up under the old object. This is annoying because if I have some objects that are already connected to other objects and I copy and paste them, I then have to move the original objects out of the way to get access to the newly pasted objects. I feel like in the previous version of Pd-extended the newly pasted objects end up on top of the old objects, so that you could just paste and them move them out of the way.
So first, is my memory of the old behavior correct? Second, is this the behavior people would expect? Third, are people seeing this across platforms, or is it just me?