Hi, I've been getting two errors involving [soundfiler], and before reporting an issue or sharing the patch to see what's ruining it, I'd like to understand and make sense of these errors, cause I just have no idea why they're showing up.
First is "*soundfiler_read: test.wav: Too many open files*".
Well, this is from my partitioned convolution abstraction. Inside the abstraction I call another abstraction in [clone]. So when I get this too many files error it also just prevents the abstraction from loading inside clone, where I get "*clone: can't create subpatch './convpartition'*".
And now things hget just crazier, cause if I try to recreate the asbstraction, it doesn't create in anyway, as if it got corrupted somehow.
And if I try to save the patch, I cant', I get an error like *"~/porres/test.pd: Bad file descriptor"*. All I have left to do is force quit Pd so I can close this file and reopen it.
Ok, so the "too many files" is probably related to the number of instances I'm loading in clone, if there are too many partitions, this happens. But I know it shouldn't, as I was being able to load way more instances and I don't know how this error suddenly came up... none of it makes sense to me, specially what happens after this "too many files" error.
probably better to mention something else separately, but I've also experienced [clone] acting weird, where it seemed to load old versions of abstractions that were already updated or deleted. This may be related to the fact that I cannot recreate the abstraction once it gets corrupted, so it keeps posting "*Bad file descriptor*"...