Thanks for the prompt feedback Jonathan
[my 3 dogs 4 you( <-- Note: this is not a list!
Sure, I just present the concept of "lists" as messages with several elements. But right there on the same patch I'm stating that a "list" selector is needed, so Pd knows it is a list. This gets restated a lot of times after that.
Those are just three of the "built-in" selectors Possible selectors include any symbol atom the user chooses
This is explained on a separate patch later on.
It's just that I had the care of building it up very slowly, and also reinforcing on and on. The whole thing always looks back to itselft, and in the end there's a highly condensed review with only 7 patches ("in a nutshell"), focusing on the main essence of it all.
2011/3/15 Jonathan Wilkes
In the "Basic Sintax" (sic) section, you say:
"Data types in Pd are basically: float, symbol, list bang."
But throughout that section you refer to anythings as lists:
[my 3 dogs 4 you( <-- Note: this is not a list! | [route list] | [bng]
In 02.Selectors.pd:
"These gives (sic) us three possible selectors: Float, Symbol & List!"
Those are just three of the "built-in" selectors, at least if they aren't capitalized (bang is another one). Possible selectors include any symbol atom the user chooses as a selector, as well as selectors associated with message types from external libraries.
--- On *Tue, 3/15/11, Alexandre Porres* wrote:
From: Alexandre Porres Subject: [PD] new Pd Tutorial in English To: "pd-lista puredata" Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 6:19 PM
Hi folks, what's up?
This all started with my pd classes in portuguese in Brazil, I then developed this tutorial that got kinda big.
I'd show it to international friends around and they seemed interested, some told me about having a spanish version or french but I could only do it in english. For an workshop in Piksel last year I tried to translate it to english, could only finish it now. It's nice that it forced me to rewrite the whole thing (so I must have generated a whole new bunch set of errors) and now I have an old Pd tutorial in portuguese that I don't like anymore, I should rewrite it to portuguese now (maybe next year as I wasn't aware of all the hassle it is). I may have put myself into this infinite loop of writing and rewriting in the two languages, God help me...
Anyway, I'm kinda sad I don't have a tutorial in portuguese that I like anymore. But the reason I did this is that I hope you people out there could give me some feedback on this thing. I'm sure there are tons of typos and spelling errors so forgive me and please let me know.
People are usually excited about this tutorial here in Brazil but never quite warn me of BS I write, and I'm surprised everytime I review it as I can always find trouble.
Anyway, most of this was a motivation of having a pretty nice document in portuguese, as pretty much everything else is in english. I probably wouldn't do it if I was teaching in english all the time. So some things are not much new, but I am proud of some other things, and I like the fact it tries to be quite extensive and all in one document, organized in folders that depend on previous patches.
Oh, here's the link to it:
Thanks Alex
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