On 10/05/11 12:10 PM, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
On 05/08/2011 02:28 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
i guess you are aware that not being able to "broadcast UDP packets" is not a bug at all, it's simply a missing feature.
No, I was not aware of that. Is it really? On windows, you can broadcast UDP packets with a [netsend 1] by sending it a "connect" message with an IP broadcast address, such as or x.x.x.255 (where x.x.x is the local network address) which are the standard IP addresses that are reserved for broadcast.
On linux, you get a "permission denied" message if you do that and it does not connect nor send packets. I seem to remember that someone told me that in the Linux those addresses had been disabled (don't know why), that is, that it had been possible to use them in past versions.
I don't have any trouble here with [udpsend] and debian lenny.
I thought a broadcast address was just an IP address like any other, and I thought the operating system's network protocol stack took care of broadcasting the packets that are addressed to that address. I didn't know there was any need for a "feature" to implement it. That's why I called it a bug. The "permission denied" message made me think that the reason it didn't work was that Pd wasn't doing all it had to do to get the permission to do the broadcasting, or something like that...
Any time you get permission denied it's up to you to set the permissions. (If a program could do that, why have permissions at all?) Try running as root and see if it changes.