there is a lot of discussion about filter in this list.
if you wish to build filter with vanilla object, you can build yours with pole~ and zero~ objects.
you can also use biquad~ object.
you can also use expr~ to make an equivalent of my bq~ object and use my abstraction to compute coeficients.
and there is certainly lot's of other possibility with pure vanilla pd...
and lot's more with externals...
Matteo Sisti Sette a écrit :
Is vcf~ (which is bandpass) the only available type of signal-controlled (smoothly-changing) filter? Doesn't the "voltage-controlled" version of lop~ and hip~ exist? Is it for a "mathematical" reason? (i.e. impossibility to implement in a relatively simple way)
Or is it because it is trivial to "build" it in PD? If so, how?
And if not, how would you "approximate" it, that is create in PD something similar to a simple low-pass filter whose cutoff frequency is controlled by a signal?
thanks m.
P.S. of course I'm talking about PD Vanilla...