João Pais hat gesagt: // João Pais wrote:
I need to do a polyphonic patch.
Depening on what kind of polyphonic patch you want to do, there are some newer alteratives to nqpoly4.
If you want to polyphonize a simple midi instrument that accepts pitch/velocity pairs with [makenote] syntax, I'd recommend u_makepoly from the rj library. To polyphonize oneshot instruments like drums, use u_robinpoly or u_robinpolymono.
All three come with extensive help files.
There also is [polypoly] or the variations that Hans once did and posted here (check the archive for that.)
So, I wanted to ask:
- what is the most current version of nqpoly?
The one in the Sourceforge svn is the current one, but it's already quite old and I would first try the suggestions above.