On Nov 6, 2007, at 9:01 PM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 20:45 -0500, vade wrote:
May I make one humble suggestion?
Is it possible to remove the GIANT 3 PIXEL BLACK BORDER around the edges of a selected patcher window on OS X? Its highly distracting
and really ruins the improved aesthetic (and work) of the newer PD extended nightlies.personally i would like to have also the 1px border in linux removed. there is already a border from the wm, i don't see a need for another one.
I think that is a good idea. It turns out that it seems be a default
in Tk, but you can turn it off. So I did... and figured out how to
can mess with it for each patch:
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General
Smedley Butler