Hi, I have been running HC's PD 0.38.04 Extended RC-7 for some time
and its been performing like a DREAM! Two days ago I installed PD
0.39.2 extended test 3. Since then both versions have meed performing
very poorly (at least in comparison to before). In the past, when
there has been an issue like this I have been able to go back and use
the older version. Unlike before, the older version perform just as
bad. Also when doing pix_grabs the whole machine stutters (Finder as
well as PD). I have zapped the P ram without any success. It appears
as the machine is freezing up while the Gem window does its stuff,
like the pipes are blocked. Is there anything I can do to fix it? In
General 10.4.6 is really shit, and Im not allowed to downgrade to
10.4.5. Any suggestions are WELCOME!
Thanks Timon.