Patrice Colet a écrit :
Andre Schmidt a écrit :
very nice and usefull in (non-html) emails, console, man pages and so on (where you only can display text)... but for pdf, webbrowser i would prefer svg. as its also just text (therefor searchable, but dunno if in pdf) and looks "better" (propably exactly like in pd) than ascii...
XML PureData patches might be a good compromise
<pd width="100%" height="100%" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<obj id="#0-float" x="100" y="50" content="f 0" send="#0-float-s"/>
<obj id="#0-metro" x="50" y="100" content="metro 100"/>
<obj id="#0-toggle" x="50" y="50" content="tgl"/>
<msg id="#0-MSG" x="50" y="150" content="XML RULES"/>
<obj id="#0-print" x="50" y="200" n="tgl"/>
<connect elem="#0-toggle 0 #0-metro 0;#0-float 0 #0-metro 1;#0-metro 0 #0-MSG 0;#0-MSG 0 #0-print 0"/>
oops, find the error....