Serialctl is a serial interface external for Linux, but I think what Ben needs is a stream parser for lists, a bit like netsend/netreceive, but for serial lines instead of tcp/ip links. Modified versions of pdsend and pdreceive could act as local proxies between serial lines and netsend/netreceive. A possible solution is to redirect serial streams to and from pdsend/pdreceive with simple shell scripts.
Hans-Christoph wrote :
Try [serialctl] from GGEE. Its in the CVS too.
bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote
I'm looking for a serial object that works in windows, linux and OSX (preferably). I've looked at a couple around on the net and could not find one that actually sent the data as strings/symbols into PD. I would like something like the MAX serial object... Is there anyting in PD land with the same functionality?