Le 29/06/2011 22:19, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
On Jun 27, 2011, at 3:45 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2011-06-24 10:54, Albena Baeva wrote:
I saw some of the examples, looked at look at example 07.texture/08.MotionBlur.pd, but when i draw a circle instead of the teapot, it bugs
definitely not.
That's a rough answer, what does it mean?
it mean that "it bug" is both rough and inexact (at least on my computer). it also mean that if you replace the teapot object with a circle in this example and expect to see a circle, then it's a user problem, not a Gem problem.
since the feedback texture is drawn a Z=0, only primitive draw at Z>0 can be seen. So, translating a bit the circle in the Z direction will solve your problem.
anyway, you can also try the buffer 1 mode if you want to do what i see on the video send earlier in this thread.
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