On 2012-01-25 09:58, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
Wondering if anyone has an idea or workaround for this dependency chain pain:
On debian wheezy with the debian multimedia repositories added.
you should not.
lots of packages that were originally only available via debian-multimedia are now in debian proper.
debian and debian-multimedia are not coordinated (nor associated) in any way, this basically means that if you add debian-multimedia to your apt-sources you are asking for trouble.
this is why i have dumped d-m on all the computers i'm maintaining for some time now.
if you really need it (i think, apart from some codecs, decent dvd-authoring tools are still only available via d-m) you might try:
dependency hell
fgmasdr IOhannes
[1] e.g. http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html