Hi, I'm messing with the [comport] object right now, trying to sketch out a subpatch to interpret raw MS serial mouse data since I can't get [serialmouse] to do anything. I'm using this link as my guideline: http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/serialmouse/
First, I used serial port monitoring software to ensure that the antique serial mouse I found is working -- it is.
Then, I create [comport], assign port 0 (COM1), 1200 baud, 7 bits, with no problem. When I try to assign 1 stop bit, it tells me that it could not assign it. However, that's not the real source of my confusion.
The real thing that's confusing me is that I guess I was imagining [comport] to have 9 outlets (one for each pin) or something. It appears to have only one outlet, and I can't get that outlet to do anything, no matter how much I wiggle the mouse.
Thanks for any suggestions! rs