It happens to be the case that mouse-event capturing as done by [toxy/tot] is crucial to my Pd performance setups. The object gives xy positions relative to a window, not to the screen(s). These coordinates are used to move GUI's around on a large xy-field, like a multiple-control Kaoss Pad. Specially useful in combination with touchscreen. Here's one clip illustrating the concept:
The toxy lib is discontinued in Pd-extended 0.43. Tried to find an alternative, asked on the Pd forum. No solution so far. I explored gem for GUI purposes, but this introduces even more dependencies. Data-structures seem an option at first sight, but can not provide large reactive area's (only the center pixel of an object is reactive). Good old [MouseState] doesn't know where the window is. In a brief moment of optimism, I even considered taking up maintaince of toxy, but the code is total hocus pocus to me.
In the meantime, one of those live-perfo tools, Slice//Jockey, has started to spread around the world and is being used by some performers and composers. As you may understand, I am particularly concerned to provide a 0.43-compatible version as soon as possible. Any help to find a window-related mouse-capturing method, working in 0.42 and 0.43 alike, is very much appreciated.