It seems this could be an issue in how the object parses integers and strings
Sorry yep I meant symbols instead of strings there :)
Thanks for the fix Frank!
Cheers, Joe
On 13 October 2014 14:40, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hi Joe,
the "0" in the OSC address part actually is a symbol! All parts of an OSC address are strings as far as [oscparse] and [oscformat] are concerned.
Try this:
[bang( | [oscformat 0] | [oscparse] | [print]
It will print "symbol 0"!
[route 0] is a [route] in "float-mode": It only routes float messages, that's why it cannot catch symbol-messahes with a numeric symbol data part.
You should be able to work around this by creating a [route] in symbol-mode and feeding it a symbol-0 to the right inlet like this:
[0( | [makefilename %d] |
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:34:24PM +0100, Joe White wrote:
I noticed with the [oscparse] object that if I have an address pattern
contains only an integer, it can't be correctly parsed by any future
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