Some weeks ago Fred Jan Kraan has reissued cyclone 0.2.1 as 'nilwind' on github and deken. It happened upon my request, to enable coinstallation of 0.2x with newer versions. Alexandre does a great job in preserving backward compatibility (much appreciated!). But the library has also been subject to major refactoring which happened without publicly visible discussion or documentation of the approach. Regressions resulting from this appear hard to solve.
For this reason it is useful to have old cyclone still at hand as a fallback. With nilwind around I could finally release an update of a cyclone-dependent project without worrying about stability. Fred Jan declared his intention to maintain nilwind for this sort of purpose. Serious bugs and issues arising from external conditions may be fixed, but behavior of objects won't be changed otherwise. The lib name says it all.
Renaming a library doesn't automatically resolve name clash of individual classes. It is therefore recommended to instantiate objects with the library prefix, as [nilwind/<classname>]. This is also how cyclone and nilwind help patches instantiate objects.