cdr wrote:
non-commercial use. "OSC" is there to avoid conflict with some other use of the 0x7D message. Obviously if there was an "OSC" manufacturer ID it would be shorter and simpler.
theres OSC Software which made Metro and Deck for Macintosh. i think they changed their name to Sagan Solutions now that its owned by Carl Sagan's son..
This could be useful as a way to extend OSC to microcontrollers that don't have the resources to handle ethernet packets.
sure..if it works for you ;) there is a Drupal setup now for OSC
I think their OSC stands for Open Source Content, an OSC of a different colour. **
perhaps there is someone who has already tunneled it thru MIDI, but if my experience with IP over LocalTalk (which is faster than MIDI i think) it is anything but fun..
anyways theres childrens musicmaking toys on Amazon for $7.95 that have inbuilt ethernet ports for synching multiple toys, and id imagine USB is even cheaper still..
Yes, I was thinking along the lines of microcontrollers like the PIC16F88, which are quite good at MIDI but don't have the RAM for anything with a protocol stack like UDP or USB. USB would work if it were possible to send UDP over USB, but I don't think it is, the way IEEE1394 can be used instead of ethernet. I've already used OSC on the Rabbit micros with no problems but they are a lot more complex than PICs: