On Nov 22, 2005, at 10:31 PM, Burt wrote:
When using Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC3, I would like to load several of the
zexy externals. Previously, I would just put zexy in the "Pd binaries
to load" preference setting which of course would add lines to the
plist in my Preferences so the externals in zexy.pd_darwin would load.
Now that we've decided to have separately compiled zexy externals in
the extra folder instead of one big zexy.pd_darwin, how would I tell
Pd to load them when the Startup options only give me ten slots? Say
I wanted to load Gem, xsample, vasp, dyn~ pmpd, cyclone, memento,
toxy, limiter~, zexy~, and envrms~. Can I specify some libraries as
startup flags? Is it bad form to load more libraries than one is
actually using in any given patch? Should there be some way of
specifying which libraries to load with each patch?
There are a few solutions in the works for this. Günter Geiger's
[using] object would be quite nice, it allows you to load libs from a
patch (i.e. [using zexy]. Then, I plan on redoing the preference
panels so that they are more usable, including unlimited paths and libs
Its not a big deal to load all the libs, it'll just take longer to
start, and use up more RAM.
Also, when I used to load the full zexy.pd_darwin, my Pd startup time
was fairly slow. I didn't really test not loading zexy, but I have
noticed that this new Pd extended loads faster. Were the zexy
externals one reason load-time took so long? Do extra externals
effect Pd's performance? I'm wondering if anyone's done any tests.
With objects compiled individually, the code is only loaded when it is
used. With a lib, the whole lib is loaded on startup. So yes, not
have a lib will make it startup quicker
samuel burt
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