OK! I am pretty happy with this now.
Improvements over the 1.0 of a few days ago: ** Keymap-saving system. I suppose I could have used SSSAD for this, but I wrote my own to better integrate with the patch.
Place the included CrikeyDefault file into the same dir as crikey.pd to try my default map (which starts at <tab> for C, ends at <>, then starts again at <z>). As I said, I'm not sure if the KEY_##s output by [hid] are consistent across systems, so you might have to just record your own map. Save over CrikeyDefault and it will load every time.
** Improved help (integrated into the patch)
** Key-filtering for unmapped keys - the previous version would allow unmapped keys through, which would end up just triggering random notes. 1.5 corrects this.
** Context-sensitive slider - the Duration and Velocity sliders have been merged into one. Click a note and it becomes a duration slider (as the keys do not support holding), press a keyboard key and it becomes a velocity slider (as, sadly, your computer keyboard does not transmit velocity... where do we send the feature request?).
Please, I would very much enjoy your comments! (and bug reports, perhaps)
(and sorry there is no fix for the unclickable black keys until someone fixes vslider and hslider)