May I make a suggestion?
If PD Meta contained a list of objects, and a short description of each object's function, it could be dynamically parsed into an XML document, the PD object list we've been arguing about in FLOSSmanuals could be generated by a PHP script, and so always up-to-date. It could be part of the autobuild process for pd-extended to generate this file.
Ed Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
From: Jonathan Wilkes To: João Pais; Hans-Christoph Steiner Cc: Pd List Sent: Monday, 7 January 2013, 22:23 Subject: Re: [PD] translate the Start Here! page
----- Original Message -----
From: João Pais To: Hans-Christoph Steiner; Jonathan Wilkes Cc: Pd List Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 11:44 AM Subject: Re: [PD] translate the Start Here! page
You can see the categories if you scroll down to the bottom of the search
They aren't hierarchical so there's no need for sub-categories.
These are just categories I came up with off the top of my head. Feel free
suggest additions, deletions, better descriptions, or any objects I may
I'll do that.
is there a way of reporting which libraries are missing the meta data? I can try to ask their authors, or fill it in myself.
If you're talking about LIBNAME-meta.pd, I'm not sure what the spec is for that. Looks something like this:
NAME libname DESCRIPTION short description of library VERSION 0.1 or whatever AUTHOR Foo Bar
But why do we need "NAME"? The library name is just the directory name. Also, some of the old ones have a "META blah blah" comment and I'm not sure what its purpose is.
But if you're talking missing the [pd META] inside each OBJECT-help.pd, put those as bugs on the tracker. Make sure to check it first as I've already added several.
starting with the jmmmp library, I know where that guy lives.
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