So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread with ideas for benchmarking the interpolation schemes.
This is what comes to mind, but I'm by no means an expert on this, so some may be more relevant than others:
error (against which ideally-produced cosine wave?), spectrum of error, etc. Possible to do mathematically rather than in Pd, but Pd would make it easier to test a lot of cases quickly.
bandwidth of various degrees of transposition down and up. It might be worthwhile to test a random table with [taboscx~] and do some spectral measurements (what happens when you make it periodic?). Test with pink noise, gaussian noise, sample-and-hold noise, etc. Triangle waves or a linearly interpolated "low-frequency" noise might be interesting to check as well, just to see how much they distort a straight line.
instrumental samples (ideas?). Test residual differences between schemes two at a time.
Please amend the list or add to it. =o)