From: "vanDongen/Gilcher" :
Matt Ingalls is writing a MAX/MSP csound~ object :
i am pleased to announce a beta version of csound~, the max/msp external object:
From: "CK" :
How difficult would it be to port this to pd?
I guess provided he shares the sources not at all
I think the csound~ object is supposed to be open-sourced in some form
not on the website, just patches an external and a precompiled csoundlib
I'll nevertheless try to contact him about it (actually I did that a few days ago when he first mentioned it on the cs list)
From: "Greg Rippin" :
Amen. I've been trying to pipefit csound with pd for awhile now, and it
been quite difficult.
From: "Krzysztof Czaja" : (about csound opcodes)
with clever little preprocessing they should be possible to generate `on demand' (for research and educational purposes only), bypassing all the licensing clashes. Has anyone thought about this?
Some points still remain unclear to me :
source code to port an opcode to Pd as an external ? (what exactly are those "licensing clashes" ?)
Krzysztof, are you talking about some 'csound-opcodes-plugin' object ?
Is someone here working on this kind of pd 'csound~' external project ?
Is it possible to build such an external for Pd ? (Greg, what are the main
difficulties you had to deal with ? )
solution in term of performance, features and useability ?
It seems someone recently did a "Call for a pd Csound Object/plugin~" on the csound ml. Any news ? (the csound list web archive is unreachable tonight). About porting the max/msp csound~ object to Pd, did you (CK) get any info or source code from Matt Ingalls ?
best regards nicolas
PS : any help or answer about my previous post ("templates...") would be greatly appreciated :)