- Is it a visual stutter (a connected bang GUI-element appears
to trigger irregularly), or does it have an audible reaction (a
triggered note plays irregularly)? I ask because the GUI of the
installers is incredibly slow compared with older versions.Could you elaborate on this slowness? This is not something that I
have noticed, but it sounds like a problem.
Well, at high speed the dot in the bangs drops out all together. The
redraw of numbers in the float box rarely updates in real time. I
have to admit I have had the tendency of using too many of them. At
times the redraw of the number boxes has frozen all together. Even
when manually dragging the numbers. In a sub window I have closed it
and re-opened it to find the number refreshed. Not sure what causes
that. Have paid attention to what I have done but not detected
anything unusual.
Does that help?
NO. Its definitely hear-able.
Please verify that the problem happens in PD only, perhaps by
using the metro to switch an oscillator on and off. If it works
fine in PD, then the problem could be the MIDI connection with
Reason, or how Reason handles the incoming data. Also it would
help to have your OSX version, I imagine. Then somebody can
narrow down what the cause might be.This has been occurring on 10.3++ and 10.4++. I have looked at
ways of monitoring this in PD, but as you say, the GUI redraws
slowly and irregularly. With that in mind it looks like its within
PD.Cheers, Timon.
-- derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ---Oblique Strategy # 12: "Always give yourself credit for having more than personality"
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