Hello Lucas, Unfortunately your trick is not improving my situation. This is true for both the installed version awa the portable version of Pd 0.54.0. Thanks, Joseph
-----Message d'origine----- De : Pd-list [mailto:pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at] De la part de Lucas Cordiviola Envoyé : dimanche 9 juillet 2023 07:35 À : pd-list@lists.iem.at Objet : Re: [PD] HELP: Pure Data Vanilla v.0.54-0 under Windows 10 22H2 64-bit is not running!
On 7/8/2023 10:17 PM, Linux ROUEN wrote:
I have made an in-depth cleaning of my Windows system and then installed for the 4th time Pd Vanilla 0.54.0 (.exe), but still no luck I can't launch the application, nothing happens. ...
Joseph thanks for the report!
there is something wrong here: from your attached "Pure-Data-0.54.0_REG-1.txt"
Valeur 3
Nom : audioindev1
Données : 0 -2
this should be "Données : 0 2" without the negative 2
I don't know "how" or "why" the "0 -2" got into the registry. May be related to the new WASAPI functionality introduced in 0.54-0. but this is only speculation.
to fix this there are 2 methods, try them in the following order.
------1 (Debussy: Syrinx) (you don't loose prefs)
hopefully Pd should run.
------2 (Deep Purple: Burn) (all prefs are gone)
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