I'd use the mrpeach objects. oscx is much more limited and
unmaintained, unless you want to maintain it :)
On Mar 25, 2009, at 8:15 AM, Alvaro wrote:
I'm working on a new patch that uses OSC. I've been using OSCX so
far, but then I came accross a page on pdpedia that claims OSCX is no longer maintained, and that I should use
mrpeach's objects instead. SVN history seems to confirm this, but
then OSCX worksforme, is well documented, and there are plenty of
examples. So, I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but what is the right
choice for a new project? The alternative, to build an abstraction
layer, would mean a lot of extra work. mrpeach are you there?alvarito
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don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of
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