Yes, one of these days, but probably not soon (I don't have any MIDI devices that spit out midi sysex to test on...)
cheers Miller
On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 02:35:21AM +0200, stm_sq^n wrote:
Wednesday, April 3, 2002, 9:18:14 PM, you wrote:
what are the "biggest" (performance) differences using PD on windoze or linux i'm (at the moment) mostly interest on audio analyzing and visual creating (GEM)
JS> this largely depends on your sound card, linux is able to get increadably JS> low latencies (under 1ms in the kernel) and is of course much more JS> stable. Miller has added some support ASIO drivers in .35 which means, if JS> your soundcard _has_ ASIO drivers, pretty darned low latencies for windows JS> as well.
may i use this thread to ask once more a very little question ... is there any chance to have one day sysex support for pd win32 versions ?....... T_T
actually i have to create basic midi CC under pd wich are routed to a virtual midi port (midiYoke) and then i have Bome's Midi Translator getting this data into sysex messages to the "real" midi out... it works fine ... but ... well if it could be done with pd only ;) ...