Le 2011-10-21 à 14:35:00, ronni montoya a écrit :
Hi , do anybody have any experience using libpd for iphone using objective c?
Yes. It's easy to add libpd to your project in XCode. However, I decided not to use libpd's own interface to Objective-C, most of which is just a détour if you compare it to how things can be written like in plain C. In that sense, I'm using more directly vanilla, except for the soundcard interface.
Due to some concerns of portability, most of my iPhone code is not in ObjectiveC, just like most of my Android code wouldn't be in Java if I wrote an Android app. It's not necessarily a matter of how much those languages themselves are portable, it's mostly that I only need them for using platform-specific APIs.
is it possible to develop a comercial iphone app with embedded libpd and sell it in the app store.
«just» avoid all GPL libraries, which are not allowed in AppStore. This means even [expr] is banned.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC