On 2016-07-18 02:58, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
Hi IOhannes. Second version filled, this one has completed tests for the pkgs that needed more in depth analysis. Those where tested with DependancyWalker, one of them being iemmatrix. Only Jamona has not been tested, the rest is done.
i've now fixed all the deken packages that were stripped of pd-extended (that's the ones with "0.0.extended" as the version)
this leaves the following unfixed objects:
http://puredata.info/Members/chr15m/plugin~(Windows-i386-32)-externals.zip libdl.dll
here i suspect that the file should be removed anyhow (it was uploaded prior to the v0.0.extended batch; and it lacks a version number)
http://puredata.info/Members/fjkraan/software/cyclone/0.2beta1/cyclone-v0.2b... pthreadGC2.dll http://puredata.info/Members/fjkraan/software/maxlib/1.5.6/maxlib-v1.5.6-(Wi... pthreadGC2.dll http://puredata.info/Members/fjkraan/software/maxlib/1.5.6/maxlib-v1.5.6-(Wi... pthreadGC2.dll
these i leave as an exercise for the packages' maintainer :-)
fgamsrd IOhannes