punchik punchik wrote:
/Applications/pd/Pd-0.39.2-extended-test7.app/Contents/Resources/extra/iemmatrix.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong architecture
do anybody know why i got this message and how to fix this?
most likely, because the iemmatrix.pd_darwin you are trying to load has been compiled for powerpc and not for macintel.
if is not possible, where can i get iemmatrix for macosx - intel?
since there are no macintel autobuilds, you might just want to go and compile it yourself. it's fun to do :-) just get the sources from cvs, then do a "cd iemmatrix/src/ && autoconf && ./configure && make"
otoh, probably someone here on the list has a macintel and is willing to donate you a binary...
mfa.sr IOhannes