Hi list,
I don't know why this cause, but sometimes it appears and GUI freeze, but still Audio alive. Only GUI die...
Number Box, Vu meter, Sliders, and so on, these GUIs all stop, and don't show the actual numbers...
Anyone knows this issue?
*(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name ".x4de9a0.c"* *while executing* *"$tkcanvas itemconfig $tag -text $text"* *(procedure "pdtk_text_set" line 2)* *invoked from within* *"pdtk_text_set .x4de9a0.c .x4de9a0.t395fcb0{98.13}"* *("uplevel" body line 19)* *invoked from within*
Pd-0.45-4 (32bit) Mac OS X Mavericks
Screenshot attached.
Thanks, Jong