Georg Holzmann wrote:
i have another question.... in the vbap patch there is a matrix that sends the amplitudes to matrix~, which is really handy. so if i substitute matrix, with mtx, i get errors and i dont have the help-files. Not for mtx_*~ and not for mtx.
yes, I know ... I think the problem is, that the syntax of mtx_*~ is different than of the one of matrix~ (is this correct?) I only remeber that I had the same problem because an objects behaves a little bit different in iemmatrix ...
[mtx_*~] behaves different from [matrix~]. however, [matrix~] still exists in iemmatrix (although it is deprecated), and it is (at least: should be) 100% compatible with the original one (though faster)
the difference between the 2 objects is: [matrix~] : o^=i^ * A [mtx_*~] : o^=B * i^ (so B:=A') why? because [matrix~] is thought of in a pd-way (hot/cold-inlets, creation arguments,...), while [mtx_*~] reflects the ways of mathematicians a bit better (you will hardly ever find a term like o^=i^*A in literature)
so recommendations from the authors are: if you have old patches using zexy's [matrix~], go ahead with iemmatrix. they should work out of the box. if you are doing new patches with iemmatrix, use (the new syntax of) [mtx_*~].
mfg.asdr. IOhannes