On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:38:27 +0200 Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org wrote:
Perhaps these could have more descriptive names, especially if there
was a "tabread", etc. library. Some quick ideas:[tabread_tweak~] [tabread_transpose~]
Hard to argue against, but I'm such a fan of Vanilla style compactness and brevity. :)
This may have been discussed before, but to widen the discussion...
I got thinking about a great discussion I read on music-dsp or harmony-central (sorry can't find the ref now) about sampler design. Since , as matju points out there's no interpolation advantage at unity pitch I remembered the hoopla proposed to make 'one size fits all' compromise designs. The conclusions were something indicationg that a general purpose [sampler~] (?) object would use the approach taken by Emu or Native Instruments, selecting the best method depending on the case.
There are maybe 5 classes, each requiring different approaches for quality results.
No transposition - very common for drum machines etc
Very small transpositions - microtonal variations on existing scale multisamples
Transpositions down within a fifth
Transpositions down greater than a fifth
Transpositions up
With the interpolation choices being none, linear, cubic, oversampled sinc and several variations of decimation/resampling schemes.
I'm not sure where 'very small' transpositions fit into that, aren't they actually a difficult case?
When people talk about the 'sound quality' of Pd I suspect they are more casual musical users who largely do sample based work. It would be great to have a whole suite of [tabreadX~] for the programmers. But for more casual users I think extended might greatly benefit from a 'just works' [sampler~] object. You could give it arguments along the lines of polyphony, outputs etc... It could even do multi-sample (with many tables). Add that to a file reader [soundfiler-kontakt] or [soundfiler-akai] to automatically generate the tables for [sampler~] and Pd would become quite attractive to a larger user base I think.
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