For some reason I can't get it open at the moment, but I wanted to say your next step could be a qlist or something to record and playback songs.
On 7/24/06, Tas Pas wrote:
Hi list,
It is 2 weeks (more or less) since I started using pd... It is easier than I thought, though, looking to other people's work, I reckon that I have a long way till I built my instruments for music making.
Anyway, I have attached my first instrument here. It uses a sine osc and can be played via the keyboard's numpad (1-8). On load you have a c minor harmonic scale loaded but you can switch to minor (upwards) melodic and major scale via 3 message buttons. Using numpad's 9 and .(del) keys you can switch octaves. Using the a,b,c,d,e,f,g keys, you can transport to the omonymous scale. Using the 0 key, you mute the instrument.
Not quite much, but it is a begining...
Any advice, or guidance will be highly appreciated.
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