btw, big respect to alexei shulgin & olga & all from README who just respected what we wanted to do, and we did not abuse of that mutual respect.
so, thanks you so long, alexei, and, check out that project made with pd :
and, cheers to you too, annina..
ps: sorry, i'm angry
Yves Degoyon wrote:
and i send this on the list to see if some people could show some interest in a lecture about PiDiP or not, or 'just a workshop in the afternoon'.
i'm sorry, that's why i send it here.
and sorry for the noise, but i hate these tractations of any kind, we're 'open source', don't forget.
Yves Degoyon wrote:
Dear Yves,
regarding your reorganisation of the four talks, i'd like to propose to feature PiDiP in a 2hrs Workshop in the afternoon.
I hope that's ok for you!
no,that's definitely not ok and to try to change our talk schedule from the start is not ok neither,
we are 3 doing 4 talks, so what?
i really don't like negociating anything like that, but it seems you never tried to install or run PDP/PiDiP
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