-----Original Message----- From: est@hyperreal.org [mailto:est@hyperreal.org]
2.0.36-3. I *did* modify the sounddriver to fix a bug in
the mixer
Yes ? I always wanted to do that correctly, there is a
separate mixer ioctl
for turning on and of the "monitor feature". Did you
implement that ?
My version only uses a "fast hack" to get things done the
way I want.
We may come up with a clean version and submit the patch to
the author.
If you're talking about the separate output channel, a ioctl() for that is in the latest version of the driver. :)
In the version I am currently using, (2.1.131) everything that comes in the mic, line or CD is monitored directly to the output. I hacked that for the mic input, but a better solution should be found.
I had problems with the driver on my Alpha starting at 2.2.0 ... So I still have to find a new version which is working.
Talking about the separate output channel. It never worked for me. Otherwise this card would support 4 output channels, which is great. Does the 4 channel output work for you with the new driver ?