Hi Atte,
First, go here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pure-data
Select the "Code" menu under the "Pure Data Computer Music System" heading.
Select "CVS Browse".
Navigate to abstractions/footils/foo and get all files that match the pattern *poly*. Note: to get a file, click on the revision number link, then right-click on the "download" link.
If you'd like to see an example of polypoly in use, check out http://www.pkstonemusic.com/polyWaveSynth.html .
Phil Stone pkstonemusic.com
Atte André Jensen wrote:
Frank Barknecht wrote:
It's in the CVS in directory absractions/footils/foo/
I'm afraid I'm to stupid to take it from here. Where's the cvs repository located?