On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 10:09:54PM -0500, Patrick Pagano said:
i am hoping there are a few OS X users on this list that might be able to help me with one annoying thing that i can't seem to track down. When i run terminal
i have
[patrickp@Patrick-Paganos-Computer patrickp]$
which is like 3/4 of the way across terminal so i am incessantly resizing Does anyone know how to get rid of this and just have a prompt? I looked all over but can't seem to nip it.
thanks in advance and sorry for the OT
You'll probably need to set your "PROMPT" or "PROMPT1" environment variable. This depends on your shell - it's possibly tcsh, cuz osx is freebsd-based (a wild guess), in which case putting something like:
set prompt = '%n %B%/%b %# '
in .tcshrc in your home directory will make you happier.