Hi, there. I would appreciate so much your help for me to decide if I will accept a job and how to go on with it.
I have a customer who needs an Android/iOS app that they will give to his customer who buys them a "device" (this customer of mine is not a multimillonaire company. It's far away from being like that)
The app would be something like the mockup.png attached and will do something like this:
First instance:
(if with gestures, much better).
information (time/color/type/etc).
Second instance:
actual time (by Bluetooth).
I have several options to do this. I ask you if they are possibles and how difficult are they... and the final decision owns to the customer. My skills are: I know PureData and Python. So:
Using MobMuPlat (http://mobmuplat.com/)
I know it is not a framework. I would make a PureData patch and the MobMuPlat interface. My customer would tell their customers to download MobMuPlat (Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iglesiaintermedia.mobmupla..., iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/ar/app/mobmuplat/id597679399?mt=8) and give them the file that I build.
Doubt (*and it's important*):
an external. Is it already compiled for Android/iOS?
Using Kivy (http://kivy.org)
This is a more difficult option. It uses Python to make the app. And there's Kivy/audiostream (https://github.com/kivy/audiostream) that gives the phone a access to the speaker and mic. In its example/ folder, there are puredata examples. Obviously, using libpd.
I've never used Kivy.
I've never used any framework.
I've never used libpd.
I should build almost from scratch an application.
I should compile for most Android and iOS versions...
The difficulty of uploading an app to Google Market and iTunes.
Using OpenFrameWorks (http://openframeworks.cc/)
Well... I don't know coding C++. I know that this would be the best framework to do something like this... but it's furthest away from me. There's ofxPd (https://github.com/danomatika/ofxPd).
Using PdDroidParty and PdParty
Now, I'm seeing their webpages/githubs. I didn't think in this possibility... Could it become one more?
Thank you very much!
Mario Mey.