- Trying to run a small granular patch like this
https://github.com/yannseznec/humanCall or a sampler/looper patch like this https://github.com/yannseznec/soundDestroyer
when you say "like this" do you mean, that exactly these two patches fail? (I'm just trying to make sure that if I test with these patches it actually makes sense)
Hello Yann,
For testing them on my RPi 400 / RPi OS 11 32-bit / Pd 0.54.1, which Pd file(s) to download from your GIT site?
Then if more than one Pd file, which one for launching 'humanCall' and 'soundDestroyer'?
I’ll answer both of these questions at once…to be more clear, the most obvious test of the Pi issues I was having is to launch “humanCaller_test.pd” from this project: https://github.com/yannseznec/humanCall
It is a granular patch that will just play a stream of grains on startup.
When I was encountering issues, this patch would stop working after somewhere between 30-90 seconds, and print many instances of the error “restart alsa output alsa xrun recovery apparently failed”.
I am no longer having this issue, after compiling Pd 0.54.1 myself on the 32 bit Pi OS 11.
I am not entirely sure, but I think I may have mistakenly been using the 64 bit Pi OS 11 when I was having the issues.
I am also starting to think that there may be simply too many variables here to actually identify any issues, so I apologise for any goose-chasing I am encouraging.